
전국 출입국.외국인관서 4.1.부터 방문예약제 전면시행

다른생각! 같은우리! 2021. 4. 6. 11:42

2021. 4. 1.부터 청사 내 민원인 밀집에 따른 코로나19감염위험성을낮추고민원인이장시간대기하는불편을해소하기 위하여 전국출입국.외국인관서에서 방문예약제*를전면시행할 예정입니다


이에 따라 4.1. 이후 전국 출입국.외국인관서에서 체류민원을 처리하려는 민원인은 반드시하리코리아홈페이지(https://www.hikorea.go.kr/)에서 사전 예약 후 방문하여야 합니다. 


다만 외교.관용 체류업무,외국인등록증 수령,출입국사실증명서 등의 각종 증명발급,출국기한 유예,난민신청,불법체류자자진신고 등 현장접수가 불가피한 민원업무는 제외됩니다.





Full Implementation of Visit Reservation System at nationwide Immigration Offices from April 1


- Aims at Improving visitor convenience and reducing crowdedness to contain COVID-19 transmissions -


The Ministry of Justice (Minister Park Beom Kye) has announced that it will fully implement online visit reservation system* at nationwide immigration (branch) offices starting from April 1 to alleviate inconvenience of enduring a long wait time for a procedure, as well as to limit the spread of COVID-19 by reducing visitor crowdedness at immigration offices accross the nation.


The online reservation system for visit has been in place at 15 immigration (branch) offices* out of the 34 offices since February 1,2016 including at Seoul Immigration Office, which has many residence-related petitions, and will further expand to the remaining 19 immigration (branch) offices** with this measure, as of April 1, 2021.